Kinderhook, N.Y., Lodge No. 2530 “What kind of dress should I buy? How much will a limousine cost? Who will be my date?” This is only the beginning of the long list of worries of students attending their high school prom. The Elks at Kinderhook, N.Y., Lodge No. 2530 know how hectic prom season can be for teens. To create a stress-free night for local youth, the Lodge used an Elks National Foundation Beacon Grant to host a prom for developmentally disabled teens. With the Elks as party leaders, the prom was a night to remember! Elks prepared and served dinner for 100 guests, then cleared the floor for a night of dancing and socializing. The Beacon Grant allowed the Kinderhook Elks to reach out beyond their Lodge and serve others in the community. “The prom was a tremendous success,” says Project Manager Jerry Shook. “Our guests and their families couldn’t express enough gratitude for giving the teens a night to enjoy themselves.” Through Beacon Grants, the Elks N...
The Elks National Foundation, established in 1928, helps Elks build stronger communities through programs that support youth, serve veterans, and meet needs in areas where Elks live and work. Visit to learn more.