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Showing posts from June, 2015

Why I Joined

By Elks National Foundation Communications Associate Christine Robinson   A new class of Elks including six of my co-workers, after our initiation ceremony at Chicago-North Shore, Lodge No. 1316 Pictured with our sponsor Lecturing Knight Sandy Supancic. Last night I had the unique opportunity to join an organization that I’ve worked closely with for the past year. Since I started working at the Elks National Foundation, I’ve heard about all of the amazing initiatives Lodges are organizing in their own communities. Through my conversations with Elks—in my role in the Donor Services department and now in my role in Communications—I’ve heard many reasons for why people are involved and why they support the Foundation. My time at the ENF has brought me to an understanding of why some people choose to join the Elks. Charity—one of the four virtues of Elkdom—inspired me to join the Order. For the past year, I’ve seen the Elks through the eyes of the ENF, now I can broaden my u...

The ENF is Heading to Indy

By Elks National Foundation Development Manager Kate Keating Edsey   All our boxes are packed, we’re ready to go… to the 2015 Elks National Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana! Convention is a big deal around here. As a national organization, we just don’t get to see ENF volunteers and supporters often enough. However, each July, our staff descends on a host city to meet and greet thousands of Elks. Through hosting special ENF events and representing the Foundation at the booth in the exhibit hall, we get to know our friends of the Foundation and hear what is happening in Lodges across the country. We also get to engage with eager Elks at seminars and workshops, helping Lodges with grants, fundraising and youth programs. Pretty exciting, right? The road to Indy this year—and for every Elks National Convention—is a long one. Our team starts planning for the next year as soon as we return from a Convention, while our successes and opportunities are fresh in our minds. Then, ...

Maryann Slater—First Week at the ENF

by Elks Scholar Fellow Maryann Slater   Hello Elks members and Elks scholars! My name is Maryann Slater, and I joined the Elks National Foundation staff last week as the first Elks Scholar Fellow. I recently graduated from Rutgers University and moved from New Jersey to Chicago at the beginning of the month. My position is a two-year fellowship, and I am in charge of promoting, planning and leading three Elks Scholar Service trips each year. These trips will allow Elks Scholars to travel and serve in a location somewhere in the United States for one week while giving back in the name of the Elks and learning how to become active citizens who are committed to a lifetime of service. Click here to learn more. It was certainly an exciting first week for me at the Elks National Foundation! I’d like to share with you the top 5 things that I learned during my first week (drumroll please): 1. Don't hesitate to take a leap of faith Whether it’s moving to a new city, starting a new...

Freshman No More!

By 2014 Legacy Awards Recipient and Elks Scholar Advisory Board Member Anji Radakrishnan Anji Radakrishnan, 2014 Legacy scholar and freshmen representative on the Elks Scholar Advisory Board , is giving us a glimpse into life as a college freshmen. Join her each month as she blogs about her exciting new challenges and experiences at Penn State.  Hello Elks scholars! As the school year winds down for most of us, it is the perfect time to reflect on the past year. We’ve all had our ups and downs this past year, but through it all we’ve taken away lessons to remember. First, I have to elaborate on a huge highlight of my past semester: the Elks National Hoop Shoot Finals in Springfield, MA. The trip itself was incredible, and we even got to visit the Basketball Hall of Fame. The best part for me, however, was when my parents came to visit me! It was so nice to be able to spend time with my family after being away at college for so long. A major lesson that I learned thi...


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