by Shiv Patel Shiv Patel is a 2018 Most Valuable Student Scholar and 2021 Weigel Medical School Scholarship recipient. He recently graduated from Northwestern University, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology with a minor in data science. He now attends medical school at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. I recently returned from the Elks Scholar Service Trip in Chicago, where I had the opportunity to engage in community service alongside nine other Elks scholars. While I had taken part in several other service experiences in the past, including a past Elks Scholar Service Trip, my time on this trip was unparalleled. Since being awarded the Most Valuable Student Scholarship during my senior year of high school, I have recognized the Elks as an organization dedicated to service. Shortly after receiving the scholarship, I had the opportunity to take part in the Elks 150 for 150 weekend in San Antonio, Texas. There, I was constantly engaged in dialogue abou...
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