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Showing posts from June, 2017

Ready for Reno

by Olivia Tuck Development Assistant While the Elks National Foundation is hoping to reunite with many of you in Reno, the upcoming Elks National Convention is my very first and I’ll be meeting most of you for the first time. I am thrilled and honored to have been asked to attend the Convention and cannot wait to head to Reno next month. I found out that I will be going to Convention in January and have been counting down the days since then! The very day after we finished up the Hoop Shoot National Finals in late April, Kate and I switched gears in the Development office to focus on our Convention-related projects. A majority of our time has been devoted to planning the ENF Events just before the Convention actually kicks off—the Scholar Advisory Board outing and the ENF donor event. Here I am holding ENF ribbons. One of my most entertaining tasks at the ENF has been looking for a performer for the ENF event. Although I don’t want to give away too many secrets, I can tel...

My First Spring with the ENF

by Katlyn Geldert Donor Services Assistant Happy June from Donor Services! I cannot believe that it is already June. Spring seemed to zoom by, and what a few months it was. With the close of the fiscal year, the MVS Leadership Weekend, and the Hoop Shoot National Finals all happening within weeks of one another, the excitement was infectious among the Elks National Foundation staff. We all pulled together when it was needed. It created a fantastic sense of comradery. I loved getting a glimpse into what the other departments in the ENF have been working on. With the fiscal year ending March 31, everyone in the Donor Services Department was extremely busy. At the beginning of April, we finished up processing the generous donations from Elks across the country to officially close the 2016-17 Fiscal Year. During the last few weeks of March we had a significant surge in the number of online remittances being sent in, my fellow Donor Services Assistant, Hannah, and I were hard at wo...


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