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Showing posts from January, 2017

Meet Olivia Tuck!

by: Olivia Tuck Development Assistant Everyone keeps saying that 2016 was a terrible year. For me, it was the best year yet!  My desire to pursue a career in nonprofit development brought me to Chicago in August 2016, following my graduation from the University of Notre Dame (Go Irish!). The apartment I found happened to be about four blocks away from the Elks National Memorial and Headquarters, and the first time that my parents and I drove by the gorgeous building my mom half-jokingly said, “Hey, that building is incredible—you should work there!” My mom’s suggestion became a reality, for which I am extraordinarily grateful. A little over two months ago, I began working as the Development Assistant at the Elks National Foundation. Each day over the past two months has been incredibly exciting, as I continue to learn about the ENF’s role in communities across the country and the many facets my position includes. If you’re wondering just what the ENF Developme...

Celebrating the New Year at the ENF

by: Katlyn Geldert Donor Services Assistant Fall 2016 was one for the record books for me. I got married, the Cubs won the World Series, and I was hired at the Elks National Foundation in the Donor Services Department! All three amazing and life changing events.  The Wedding As 2016 ended on such a high note, I am really excited for 2017. It’s going to be a great year! It’s already off to a fantastic start, as I am loving my role as a Donor Services Assistant. I enjoy processing donations as well as seeing the high level of fellowship and support throughout the Elks communities. During my work week, I send out acknowledgement letters to thank those who have donated. I also spend time working on adjustments to donations to make sure that the correct donors are credited for their generous gifts. Most days, I process donation information that comes through our bank’s website and through online remittances. I update donation totals and per-membe...

New Year, Same Deadline

by Jocelyn Moya Programs Assistant Now that we’re in our second week of 2017 and some of the shiny new feelings have worn off—it’s time to turn our resolutions into actions. My work-based resolution is to continue to grow into the best resource and guide for all Lodges throughout the grant application process. This has different meanings depending on which part of the grant cycle we’re in, but with fast approaching deadlines, right now that primarily means encouraging more Lodges to apply for a Beacon Grant!  My first step toward reaching my resolution was to send out a postcard promoting the Beacon Grant to Lodges that have never received one. Can you believe there are still Lodges leaving grant money on the table? Are you one of those Lodges? No worries—applying for a Beacon Grant is easy! But, hurry and apply today. The deadline to submit a Beacon Grant application is March 31, 2017! Be sure to check out our Beacon Grant Breakdown presentation . ...

Where credit is due…

By Kate Keating Edsey, Development Manager  Elks National Foundation   Do only donations given at the Lodge count toward my personal giving total and my Lodge’s per-member-giving total? What if I give a monthly gift through the Elks National Foundation Fidelity Club? How about if I mail a check in response to an appeal? Online gifts? Tribute donations? I hear these questions all the time. When it comes to donating to the ENF, the answer is simple: no matter how you give, your donation will be credited to your personal giving totals and will be counted toward your Lodge’s per-member-giving total.  Just use an ENF DonorCard to provide the pertinent donor details—full name, contact information, Lodge and member number, and ENF Donor ID* if possible—and we’ll take care of the rest! Now that you know how simple the process is, think of all the ways you can give to ENF! Visit the Support ENF page on the ENF website to learn more about giving (and rec...


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