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Showing posts from August, 2015

Meet the ENF Staff

Lauren Barnes Donor Services Assistant   How long have you worked at the ENF? I'll have my three month anniversary on August 27. How the time flies! What projects are you/your department working on right now? The Donor Services Team is always working hard for our Elks and donors! What’s your favorite part of working at the ENF? I love being part of an organization that does so much within Elks communities, but I'm inspired by Sandy Supancic. She has worked here for a very long time, is a long-time Elk who does SO MUCH for her community, and she comes in every day with a smile and a great attitude. And she is a living history of the Order! I have a lot to learn from her, although the whole ENF Team really inspires me and is my favorite part about working here. Describe your average day at the ENF. I don't really have an average day, but I typically start out my week by sending acknowledgements to our generous donors. The rest of my week consists of processing d...

Manistique Memories

by Programs Relationship Associate Anne Stretz   Elks scholars now have the opportunity to come together in service with their Elks scholar peers. These trips will offer the opportunity to learn about societal issues, serve those in need in the name of the Elks, and the chance for Elks scholars and Elks to connect with their Elks Family across the country. To read more posts about the service trips, click here .   I recently embarked on the first-ever Elks Scholar Service Trip . On Sunday, August 9, five members of the ENF staff and six Elks scholars departed Chicago and drove up to Manistique, Michigan to serve with Habitat for Humanity HiawathaLand for a week. It took me a while to narrow it down, but here are my top ten memories from the inaugural Elks Scholar Service Trip: ENF staff and scholars level a floor. 10. Eating lunch together! Andi Wedegartner and other members of Manistique, Mich., Lodge No. 632, provided our lunches each day. After a long morni...

From Dollars to Dunks

by Youth Programs Associate Billy Donnelly The past year has been quite a ride. I have spent it working at the Elks National Foundation as the Development Coordinator. This position allowed me to do many things that will have a lasting impact on my life. I have met and worked with some of the most amazing people in the world in the ENF office. I’ve worked with some of the best volunteers any organization could ask for. Earlier this summer, I joined Lodge No. 1316 in Chicago and attended the 2015 Elks National Convention. I wouldn’t change anything I’ve done over the past year. However, I must look forward to the future—and my future is with the Elks Hoop Shoot. I could not be more excited for the opportunity to be the new Youth Programs Associate at the ENF. Though much will change, much will remain the same. I will still be able to work with the best staff and the best volunteers available. I am still looking forward to a fun week at the Convention in Houston next summer. I am ...

The Perfect Fit

By 2015 Most Valuable Student Scholarship Recipient and Elks Scholar Advisory Board Member Jessica Carter Jessica Carter, 2015 Most Valuable Student scholar and freshmen representative on the Elks Scholar Advisory Board , is giving us a glimpse into life as a college freshman. Join her each month as she blogs about her exciting new challenges and experiences at Northwestern University.  Four of the seven SAB members in front  of the Soldiers Memorial in downtown Indy. I’ve always pictured the Elks National Foundation as a puzzle: a culmination of very different people that seamlessly fit together to create something beautiful. I got a glimpse of the final picture when I had the opportunity to attend the Elks National Convention in early July. To give you a little background, I was recently selected to be the freshman representative on the Elks Scholar Advisory Board—SAB for short. Every year, the eight members of the SAB meet up at the Elks National Co...


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