Weehawken, N.J., Lodge No. 1456 Weehawken, N.J. is a more beautiful place thanks to the Elks! Using an Elks National Foundation Beacon Grant , Weehawken, N.J., Lodge No. 1456 partnered with local Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, a teen peer leadership group, and other high school students to plant a garden surrounding Weehawken Town Hall. The students gave this project two green thumbs up! They enjoyed digging in the dirt, and working alongside other local youth and the Elks. To keep the plants and their new friendships thriving, the Elks plan to tend to the community garden year-round. “The Lodge furthered its status in the community by working with youth on this visible project,” says Project Manager Thomas Rovito. “We plan to plant more next year, and cultivate this project for years to come.” Does your Lodge want to be featured on the ENF blog or other ENF pages? Simply submit fabulous Final Report Forms! Include project successes, feedback from the Lodge and community, and ...
The Elks National Foundation, established in 1928, helps Elks build stronger communities through programs that support youth, serve veterans, and meet needs in areas where Elks live and work. Visit www.elks.org/enf to learn more.